Friday Night Prototype:Vs. Shub

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-Strange Soundwave was the easiest song to develop.

-Originally, Boyfriend was going to have his base design, but since it didn’t fit the style of the mod, it was decided to change it to the final version.

-Melodic Catastrphe was originally going to be in the position of Strange Soundwave, but the director (Pokoland 60) said it was too frantic to be the first song in the mod.

-Melodic Catastrophe had a different concept, where Shub and Boyfriend were supposed to meet in the cave during a jump.

This was changed to fit the frantic nature of the song.

-The Melodic Catastrophe's animated scene has different sounds because the editor (Tony Lonely) according to him, was not going to continue editing the animated scenes, so the director (Pokoland 60) edited this animated scene.

-Originally, in Ufo Travel it was thought that the ship wouldn't be crashed, but this was changed in the animated scene to speed up development and release the mod faster (since that was the last animated scene missing in the mod).

-In the Ufo Travel's animated scene, Boyfriend was supposed to jump down the stairs, but this was changed due to time constraints.

-The Ufo Travel's animated scene for this song was edited by the editor (Tony Lonely) after the second animated scene was edited.

-After Ufo Travel, there was supposed to be an animated scene of Shub fixing the ship, but it was not added due to time constraints.

-Testland was the song that caused the HUD of the mod to change drastically.

-Composer sGaru! didn’t know what Testland was about, yet he made the song.

-Originally, Testland was going to have a damage mechanic, but it was discarded because it didn’t make sense (the stuff that were going to be used for that mechanic are still in the mod).

-Fak U was the song that arrived incomplete in v1. (If you're wondering, the tester didn't mention anything until the release day.)

-Fak U was the first song that development on the mod started with.

-Call Meeting was the hardest song to develop.

-MrSillyCrash was going to appear in Call Meeting, but since he wasn’t working on the mod, he was left out.

-Call Meeting has the most scrapped versions in the mod.

-Originally, Call Meeting wasn’t going to be in the mod, but the director (Pokoland 60) decided to add it.

-Before Vs. Shub, a one-shot mod was being developed based on Pokoland 60.

but since he didn’t like the idea, he decided to start developing Vs. Shub.

-Originally, the mod was a skin of SMB Funk Mix.

-The characters in the mod (except for the characters from Call Meeting and Boyfriend) are characters from prototype projects of the director (Pokoland 60).

-sGaru! said he wanted to die.

-Pokoland 60 thought about adding more songs, but development was taking too long, and he decided to stick with the ones they had.

-MrSillyCrash was supposed to be the artist for the posters and pause arts, but he took FOREVER to make a single piece of art (the team is still waiting for that art).

-Due to MrSillyCrash’s lack of participation in the mod, a song was scrapped for v1 (MAYBE it will return in an update).

-Pokoland 60 had many problems with the code for the animated scenes, since when they stopped playing, the code for the animated scene would mess up part of the HUD (can anyone help with this please?).

-sGaru! didn’t make his art for the mod’s website, and Tony made a very funny render for it.

This may be updated in the future.